The 7th Reinforcements leave Wellington for Suez on 9th October 1915.
(Image retrieved from
Bonjour a tous
Firstly I just want to thank all of the people who have given me money towards this amazing trip. I want to thank the BNZ bank, the Palmerston North Cosmopolitan Club and to my school Palmerston North Boys High School. All of these groups have made a significant contribution that totals $1000 in raised funds towards the trip and I just want to take this opportunity to publicly thank all of these groups.
So for my project I have delved deeper into the life of one of the old...
Dans la première guerre mondiale, tant des pays ont souffert de nombreux victimes, la Nouvelle-Zélande parmi les pays qu’on souffert le pire.
Voilà une présentation dans laquelle je décris pourquoi je m' intéresse à l'histoire de la Grande Guerre,
C’est important pour la Nouvelle Zélande la première guère mondial parce que la Nouvelle Zélande était une petite colonie Grande Britannique avec une population d’environ 1,1 million en 1914.
Si Les Alliés n'ont pas gagné La Guerre, La Nouvelle Zélande et la monde aujourd'hui seraient très diffèrentes.
An Introduction to Rotorua and to the Maori Pioneer Battalion.
Rotorua, 1914. The place may seem familiar, but certainly not the date. Separated by generations, many of us (myself included) find it difficult to relate to WW1 and what the soldiers and their families went through during the war.
To take us back to that time I’m going to explore the Rotorua region of 1914, this blog being the first of a few blogs that look into how the war affected our region and city and the stories and...
I started this journey believing no relatives of mine fought in World War One. What I have found is both deeply saddening and extremely interesting.
Je crois que la commémoration de la Première Guerre Mondiale reste toujours significative chez nous en Nouvelle-Zélande — et surtout chez les jeunes...
La Nouvelle Zélande, 1914. Une jeune nation des 1.1 millions habitants, une nation émergente où presque cinquante pour cent des personnes ont habité à la campagne
For my project, I’ve decided to research the impact that wars have had on families, regardless of where, when and who was involved and compare all the affected families in my research to build a broader understanding of the devastation that wars can have.
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