We know Henry Floch was executed as he mentioned it ahead of the terrible event in a last letter to his wife.
So what did the students set out to do to recreate the content of this wallet?
They started by working out:
• what the items were
• why they were in there
• what else he could/would have had in his wallet at the time of his death.
As it stands the wallet contains:
• De l’argent
• Photo de marriage (which will be used when we do family tree – they have a speaking activity where they name people and talk about their ages and jobs etc)
• Photo de sa femme et ses enfants (another prompt for a speaking activity, talking about the girls, their ages and what they like doing at their ages)
• Carte de combattant (the students recreated their own recently)
• Carte individuelle d’alimentation
Other things they want to include
• un canif (a pocket knife)
• a letter from a friend
• un coquelicot (poppy)
• some coins (we’ll have to find some old coppers at home or in the history department here at school)
and some other souvenirs of war (to be determined)
This worked out to be a really fun assignment for all the boys
It allowed them to pull together stuff they have been learning about for the last few weeks
AND it gave them something concrete to hold onto as a prop in their speaking and went a long way calming the nerves down!
Attached is the letter Henry Floch wrote to his wife [a resource to support recreating the wallet]