On the 24th of June the other Young Ambassadors and I traveled to Wellington to meet each other, the creator and coordinators of the shared histories project and the head of the French Embassy. Madame Holmes and I touched down at Wellington Airport at 8am and met up with the others at the Alliance Francaise head office at 9 to meet each other and talk about why we were there and what we were planning to do for our project. It was really interesting meeting everybody and learning their inspirations for applying and passion for French. After meeting everyone we went to the Great War Exhibition Museum to get a grasp of what we were representing and it put the whole trip into reality. It was humbling walking through replicas and mementos of the Past and what made our country, its people and its relationship with France and other Countries how it is today.
For my project I will be researching my Family History and my great grandfather's involvement in the battle of the Somme and what it would have been like in the war. I will also be looking at Dunedin and New Zealand's general involvement in World War 1 and the Battle Somme. I will be visiting local museums such as Toitu and asking the history department at my school and Otago University in hope of gaining as much general information before going to the local RSA in hopes of finding stories about others relatives who Survived the Battle of the Somme and World War 1. On November 24th i will be speaking at the RSA’s Choir Performance about my experience and what I’ve learnt so that others who have relatives that were soldiers can be educated and know that their families pasts and sacrifices have been globally appreciated.
Otago Girls High School
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