It is international collaborative school project brings together two or more groups of students from different countries working together on the same theme. As part of Shared Histories, your project will be related to the history of WW1, with a particular focus on the involvement of New Zealand and Australian troops in the fighting on the Western Front. Within this general framework, you have to agree with your partner on the specific theme, objectives and planned activities of the project.
Projects are developed collaboratively through distant exchanges between partner schools. They result in common, complementary productions, that come about in various stages.
A Shared Histories project is built piece by piece, over time, that is the duration of the commemoration period.
Do not wait to have a “final product” to present to communicate about your progress via the blogs: every stage tells the story of what you are constructing together with your partner.
It is not so much the product that makes the value of your project, it is how you have built relationships, common understanding and taken steps together that matters!
Productions can take any form and be presented through any media as the project leaders may jointly decide (e.g. paper or digital, texts, photos, drawings, videos, exhibition, etc). Various ICT tools may be used for exchanges between partner schools: e-mail, blogs, social media, skype etc.
Once you have reached a stage, let the Project Team and other Shared Histories followers know by posting on your team blog. This gives visibility to your progress and will be very useful to show where you are at when you apply for funding. You only need to post four times a year per team.
Now you understand, the website, serves two purposes:
- It is the central communication vehicle for and about the whole project.
- It is a repository to showcase the participants and projects